Our wide range of services serve large (900 MW) to small (1 MW) conventional and cogeneration fossil-fueled power plants, gas turbine-based combined cycle plants, peaking power facilities, and waste energy plants.
Project Development Siting Conceptual Design Design Reviews P&ID Reviews Equipment Selection Project Management Project Team Advising Engineering Construction Management Commissioning and Start-up Staffing Advisement Operations and Maintenance
Safety Environmental LTSAs (long-term maintenance service agreements) for Gas and Steam Turbines Permit Advising Commercial Contracts O&M Power Contract Development and Negotiation Steam, Energy Services, Fuels, Contract Development and Negotiation EPC Contract Development and Review EPC Oversight and Dispute Settlement Asset Management
Assessment of Expansion Capability Equipment and Plant Evaluations Troubleshooting Plant Equipment/Controls Operation and Maintenance Improvements Productivity Improvements Due Diligence
Plant and Process Optimization Gas Turbine, Steam Turbine, Boilers, HRSG Enhancements Power and Steam Production Improvements Spare Parts Evaluations Environmental and Safety Improvements Sales and Purchases of Plants and Equipment
Finding Additional Revenue Opportunities Gas Turbine Inlet Air Chiller Systems Fogging Systems Waste Heat Utilization Equipment Capacity Upgrades and Retrofits De-bottlenecking Projects State-of-the-Art Technology Improvements