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10:57 AM - Sat February 15, 2025
Delve Energy and Global Energy Equipment Launch Surplus Equipment Venture

Delve Energy Announces Contract with the Dow Chemical Company

Delve Energy Supports Aker Kvaerner with ExxonMobil Cogeneration Power Plant

Delve Energy Provides Expert Witness Services

Delve Energy is comprised of a team of diverse professionals experienced in all aspects of power generation. We are focused on your success from the initial conceptual design through construction, commissioning, start-up, operations and maintenance of power facilities.

We have extensive experience providing services to companies desiring conventional, renewable, or cogeneration power plants. We focus on significant energy cost reduction and provide results for power/energy projects. We can locate and/or negotiate power project deals for buyers or sellers.

Through our associates and affiliations, we are able to provide all energy-related services, including energy advisory services to the power, oil and gas, chemical, petrochemical, pulp and paper, financial, banking, and other industries.

We approach every assignment with an Owner's perspective to conserve initial capital, optimize equipment and system design, provide high reliability and availability, and maximize value for each client.
Delve Services
Owner's Engineer & Advisory Services
Cogeneration, CHP, Renewable Energy
design engineering construction
due diligence evaluations
energy conservation audits studies
equipment sales purchases
operations maintenace
project delveopment
risk management strategic planning

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